Shaklee Distributor in Dallas shares great results of weight loss.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas shares great results of weight loss.

When reducing weight, results that can be measured make a big difference.
Our Cinch Wellness Group is seeing results that are attainable and measurable. We meet each Saturday as a group to support each other and share ideas and options.

One participant has reduced her weight by 16 pounds in 9 weeks after her first measure. That is a safe way to loose weight the right way and keep it off. Not too much too fast.

There has also been a change in her eating patterns. She now shares meals with her husband, which helps her program and encourages him to cut back on food portions.

One of the biggest “aha” moments came when she stated that she no longer has the inconvenience, discomfort and cost of her Nexium prescription. The side effects of that drug are gone now, too.  The thing is, now she is feeling better and her clothes feel more comfortable than before. We are all sharing the joy of the results of each member of our group!
Think about what the loss of a few pounds can mean for you.  What health benefits would you experience?  If you’d like some help, give me a call.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us (Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com) to earn more about vitality and health.

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