“Customer A” is a 70ish nutrition customer of mine. She has some health issues and is on a broad spectrum of nutritional supplements. She had to have a hip replacement to be followed by a knee replacement, per doctors recommendations.
As per norm, the doctors asked for a complete list of vitamins and supplements she is taking. We got that list together and submitted it. Her medical practitioner told her to cease all supplements 2 weeks prior to surgery. ( I would not do that, if it were me. Just saying.)
“Customer A” had the hip surgery and at post op she was instructed by her doctors to resume all her supplements except Turmeric and CoQ10 because of some issue with her heart. I don’t know the particulars on that, but I am so pleased that her doctors told her to take her Shaklee supplements and protein.
Read that again: Her doctors told her to resume taking her Shaklee supplements.
That is big. Most medical professionals don’t want to encourage supplement use. I know there are other reasons, but I think their reluctance to recommend nutritional supplementation is that they don’t have time to do the research and they were not well-trained on nutrition and health in their rigorous medical school training. Should we always follow doctors recommendations?
I am more concerned about well care than sick care. Take care of yourself while you are well instead of relying on others to get you out of a sickness or disease. As they say, “An ounce of prevention….”
Be well. Perform well. Stay well.
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