Travel in digestive peace

Many people are now planning their spring and summer vacations. They are spending lots of money on airfare, hotels, local attractions and activities and. . . .food.

But what if that food does not agree with you? Have you ever been away on vacation and had to walk around, trying to enjoy yourself while feeling nausea or stomach cramping? Or worse yet, stuck in an expensive hotel room feeling badly while everyone else is out having a good time?

How about some planning that will help avoid those vacation stomach episodes?

I recommend packing some digestive supplements just in case a disagreement arises between you and your vacation food.  Here are some good items to consider:


Buy all three here.

Stomach Soothing Complex

Comprised of ginger, peppermint and anise, this product offers fast relief from an upset stomach.

EZ Gest

This product provides digestive enzymes that help to process hard-to-digest foods, those that are eaten rarely and those that usually cause digestion issues.

OptiFlora DI

This is an excellent probiotic that helps to replenish and maintain healthy bacteria in the digestive tract.  It is essential on a vacation when upset turns to diarrhea.  It is a good idea to take it daily, on vacation or not, to maintain a healthy gut.

Get on board for a fun, comfortable vacation.  Buy all three here.Buy all three here.   Buy all three here.