Shaklee Distributor in Dallas looks at micronutrients in popular diets.
With two thirds of Americans overweight, it is no wonder that there is a proliferation of diet plans to combat the problem. Some diets have pitfalls built into them, so we should examine them closely before going on a plan. One such pitfall is the lack of adequate micronutrients-those vitamins and minerals. Many diets focus on calorie count, fat counts or protein levels.
Results from the Stanford Prevention Research Center and the Department of Medicine, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, CA, have shown this inadequate intake in four popular diet plans.
In the study, micronutrient intake was compared between overweight or obese women who were randomly assigned to 4 popular diets that varied primarily in macronutrient distribution-carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
The diets used were Atkins, Zone, LEARN (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitudes, Relationships, Nutrition), and Ornish. Nutrient intakes were compared between groups at 8 weeks and within groups for 8-week changes in risk of micronutrient inadequacy.
Results: What was found was that differences were observed between groups for all macronutrients and for many micronutrients. Energy intake decreased from baseline in all 4 groups but was similar between groups. At 8 weeks, a significant proportion of individuals in all groups indicated a risk of inadequacy of micronutrients.
Conclusion: Anyone going on a weight-loss diet plan should pay attention to the overall quality of the diet, including the adequacy of micronutrient intakes.
Take a look at a complete, well balanced weight reduction program that focuses on all areas of health while getting the body composition (fat and muscle content) in the right levels.
The program I recommend is Shaklee’s Inch Loss plan called Cinch.
Dallas Health Helpers is a Shaklee Distributor in Dallas. We are dedicated to the health and well-being of all and we advocate the use of safe alternatives. One should avoid use of drugs and drastic programs that can cause problems now and in the future. For more information go to our web site at or call 214.770.9596. Be well, Stay well.