Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about Laura’s journey into weight loss.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about Laura’s journey into weight loss and how to get healthy.

Laura Evans is Senior Vice President of Sales and Field Development at Shaklee Corporation.  She balances her life around everyone else in my life –  children, husband, family, friends, job, staff, boss and customers.  However as her career grew, so did she!! She knew that being overweight was not how she wanted to age gracefully and not what she wanted her kids to experience.

Get Healthy

She realized she was not at a healthy weight, according to the medical data after taking look at the Body Mass Index chart. Deciding that she needed to make a change, she chose Shaklee 180 from Shaklee. She was tired of “yo-yo dieting;” she has lost and gained hundreds of pounds many times over. The preliminary clinical study with real people conducted with Shaklee 180 resulted primarily in fat loss and muscle retention. Muscle helps metabolism.  The goal includes how to get healthy.

She set her goal to mirror what the clinical study participants had achieved:  lose 15 lbs in 90 days. To her surprise, she lost weight AND her body shape changed from a “mom look” to athletic. She had never been in her life!  Cinch changed her life for the better, for good!  See Laura’s story here.

In a preliminary study of the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, participants on average lost 15.4 pounds in 12 weeks.

You, too, can change your life for the better. Shaklee Corporation produces a weight management system that works to build excellent health while losing weight.   Click here to learn about The Shaklee 180 Inch Loss Plan and Click here to watch a video. Shaklee also offers a money back guarantee.  Try it here.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about immune system health and weight loss.

 Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about immune system health and weight loss.

Last week I mentioned the immune system and things that can be changed in our life styles that can help it to work better.  Those are the following:



Nutrition levels

Healthy activity levels

I failed to mention a healthy weight.  It seems that a healthy weight helps people to sleep better.  This is a two step process so bear with me.  Often we hear of overweight or obese individuals having trouble sleeping.  Sleep apnea can wreak havoc on a good night of deep sleep.  The immune system does some important work during the sleep state know as REM (Rapid Eye Movement).  Besides benefiting the stress and fatigue mentioned above, a good night’s sleep gives the body time to recover.  The immune system is included in this recovery and rebuilding process.  There are certain hormones that kick into action during this state of deep sleep. 

Without this function that is performed in the wee hours of the morning, your ability to defeat germs, bacteria, fungus and viruses is weakened and they may be able to take a foot hold and illness results.

So get your “40 winks”.  When you find yourself not getting adequate rest and being sick often, your weight may be a factor.

Shaklee Corporation produces a weight management system that works to build excellent health while losing weight, thus building your immune system to a higher functioning level.   Click here to learn about The Cinch Inch Loss Plan and Click here to watch a video. Shaklee also offers a money back guarantee.  Try it here.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about immune system health.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about immune system health.

When the immune system is mentioned, often peoples’ minds go to extremes, thinking of AIDS or some other devastating condition.  Many immune system disorders are life-changing or life-threatening.  But everyone should be concerned about maintaining a healthy, strong system of defense against invaders to the body.

Your immune system is at work 24/7 to guard against foreign intruders to your body so that you don’t get sick.  This activity can help keep you from getting the sniffles, a cold or a more debilitating condition such as the flu or even hepatitis.

With the immune system up and running strong, these invaders are stopped before they can get a foothold on your cells and begin to destroy them and make you sick.  There are cells that run reconnaissance missions looking for the intruders.  There are immune system cells that take the information from the others and create antibodies to kill them off.   There are immune system cells that simply “eat” the invaders on site, inGet Healthy a search and destroy mission. These are only a few of the activities that the immune system does.


We also have to be aware of some things that can impact the system’s ability to do its job.




            Nutrition levels

            Healthy activity levels

Obviously, we cannot do anything about our age, but the others are lifestyle related and we can take actions in those areas that will help to build up our immune systems and fight off illness more effectively.  De-stressing your life and getting plenty of sleep are very important.  Taking time for an effective amount of exercise without going to the extremes is key to keeping your defense mechanisms mobile.  Getting enough of the right nutrition is a challenge, but can be done with supplementation when eating right is not happening.  The good news is that all these changes or adaptations to our lifestyles have many side benefits.  Targeting your immune system will help you to enjoy better health in other areas of your life.  Just pay attention to your body and notice the improvements.

Shaklee Corporation produces a couple of products that work directly with your immune system.   Click Get Healthyhere to learn about Nutriferon and Defend & Resist. Shaklee also offers a money back guarantee.  Try it here.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about benefits of Ginger.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about benefits of Ginger.

 Ginger is a root/underground stem that has many health benefits.  Today it is used in America primarily as baking condiment, but there are many properties to this plant that should be looked at and considered more closely.

Ginger has long been known as a digestive aid, but there is so much more.

Ginger is related to onions and celery and they all have interesting and potentially valuable bioactive compounds that may impart some health benefits.  It contains some natural plant chemicals that work against inflammation.  Many chronic diseases are driven by inflammation, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s, obesity, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and even skin wrinkling.  These “phytochemicals” are also valuable in boosting immune system functioning-especially in combating viral infections.

Other possible desirable affects being studied include heart disease benefits, lowered cholesterol, and blood clot prevention.  Studies are also in the works on ginger’s beneficial effects on female cancers such as ovarian cancer.

Incorporating ginger into your diet:

►       Chop or grate it into sauces, dressings or right on top of your salad, poultry or seafood.

►       Snack on candied ginger or make it your dessert.

►       Pickled ginger can be used as a condiment.

►       Drink freshly brewed tea steeped with a thumbnail piece of chopped ginger daily.

►       Dried powdered ginger is more potent than fresh and can easily be used in cooking or sprinkled directly on foods.


Shaklee Corporation produces a product called Stomach Soothing Complex.  This product, containing ginger, peppermint, anise and fennel, works in a matter of minutes to alleviate stomach pain and discomfort.  This is an example of side benefits as opposed to side effects of drugs. Shaklee also offers a money back guarantee.  Try it here.


Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.