What is blood pressure? What is normal blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure inside your blood vessels. It is expressed as two measurements, the lowest (diastolic) is the background pressure and the highest number (systolic) is the increased pressure that results from the beating of the heart.
Why control high blood pressure?
High blood pressure, hypertension, is sometimes called the “silent killer” because there are no symptoms associated with it. People can have hypertension high blood pressure and not know that they are damaging their heart, other organs, and blood vessels.
Untreated high blood pressure hypertension can lead to:
• Congestive heart failure
• Heart attack Heart disease
• Stroke (what is a stroke?)
• Kidney damage
• Erectile dysfunction
• Vision loss
Blood pressure statistics:
- About 30 percent of adult Americans have high blood pressure.
- Another one third of Americans have prehypertension, which increases the risk of developing high blood pressure in the future.
- Over 70 percent of people who have their first heart attack or stroke have high blood pressure.
- High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke, the fourth-leading cause of death in the United States.
What can I do to control blood pressure?
Studies show that people who get their high blood pressure under control reduce their risk of stroke by at least 50 percent and significantly lower their risk of heart disease and cardiovascular mortality. Here is what you can do:
Lifestyle: It is now easy to check your own blood pressure with a home blood pressure cuff. You should know and track your numbers. Make sure you are eating a healthy diet, losing weight if you are not at your ideal weight, exercising, avoiding smoking, and consuming alcohol in moderation.
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): 100 mg of CoQ10 has been shown to help lower blood pressure in clinical studies.
Fish Oil: 3,000 milligrams or more of omega-3, ( mega 3) fish oil has been shown to help lower blood pressure.
Garlic: 1,000 milligrams of garlic extract has been shown to help lower blood pressure.
Here at Dallas Health Helpers, we work to help people get their lifestyle in check and make wise supplement choices to hedge their chances of illness and even death due to risks associated with heredity and personal life choices.