Shaklee Distributor in Dallas discusses Soyfoods and Male Reproduction.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas discusses Soyfoods and Male Reproduction.

Many stories circulate about men and the side effects of eating soy foods.  The estrogen-like effects of health-building isoflavones have led to unfounded concerns that soyfoods may cause feminizing effects in men. However, a wealth of human data show these concerns to be without merit. Although two reports published in the scientific literature describe feminizing effects of soy in only two individuals, these men consumed as many as 14 to 20 servings per day.  Eating excessive amounts of nearly any food can be expected to have negative effects on one’s health.

Contrasting to these two reports, a comprehensive analysis of the data on human studies, which involved more than 30 individual studies, found that intake of neither soyfoods nor isoflavones affect levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone. In many of these studies, soy intake was far beyond what is typical for Asian men. The lack of this reduced testosterone effect is very reassuring.

Further, a recent review of nine studies found no effect on estrogen levels in men because of soy intake. Men in these studies consumed as much as six servings of soy per day. The clinical studies also show there is no effect of soy on sperm or semen. In contrast, there is one report describing a male with low sperm count whose sperm concentration normalized after 6 months of taking isoflavones. Thus, the evidence clearly shows that soyfoods do not exert feminizing effects.

The lesson here is to look at the studies and determine if they are legitimate.

Consider this about your soy supplement:

Is it made from non Genetically Modified Oganism.

Is the manufacturing process done without alcohol.

The brand I highly recommend is Shaklee.  It is guaranteed safe, pure and manufactured with green processes.  Order it here.

Dallas Health Helpers is a Shaklee distributor in Dallas that focuses on total wellness without the use of drugs or synthetics.  Email us at TIM at DALLASHEALTHHELPERS dot COM  or call us at 214 252 9596 for more information.