You may have heard that some protein sources are “incomplete.”
But what does it mean? It means some protein sources don’t have all nine of the essential amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which your body uses to make enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and collagen.
There are 20 amino acids your body can use, and nine of those are called essential because your body can’t make them–they must come from your diet. And you need all nine to make the other 11 amino acids. So they’re pretty important!! 😯
🍽 Here are some complete, high-quality animal-based protein sources:
- Meat
- Poultry
- Seafood, including fish
- Eggs
- Dairy
🌱 Here are complete, high-quality plant-based protein sources:
- Soy and soy-based protein products
- Life Shake
🤔 That last list is short, what about the other plant-based proteins? Aside from pistachios and pea protein powder, most other plant-based protein sources are incomplete on their own, meaning they lack one or more essential amino acids. However, eating a variety of plant foods and proteins throughout the day helps ensure you get all the essential amino acids you need that day.
Wondering what 20+ grams of high-quality protein looks like? Here are some good options.
📝 IDEAS for 20+ g of Complete Protein Sources
- 4 oz chicken or turkey (about the size of your palm): 25 grams
- Most 3.5 oz fish fillets: about 22 grams
- Lean hamburger patty: 28 grams
- 3 oz raw tuna (sashimi/sushi): 20 grams
- Half a can of tuna: 20 grams
- 1 cup cottage cheese: 25 grams
- 1 cup Greek yogurt: 20 grams
- 3 large eggs: about 20 grams
- ½ cup firm tofu: 20 grams
- 4 oz of tempeh: 21 grams
- Life Shake: 20 grams
🚗 Ideas for Complete Grab-n-Go Protein Sources
- Life Shake
- Yogurt
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Shaklee Whey protein
- Shaklee Snack Bars
- Shaklee Meal Bars
- Pistachios (unlike most nuts and seeds, they are a complete protein!)
🚫 Are there less healthy proteins to avoid?
Yes, researchers recommend limiting processed meats, meats high in fat, cured meats, and fried meats as protein sources.
➡ What’s your favorite protein source? What’s your least favorite? Be honest, let’s hear it!
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