Shaklee Distributor in Dallas warns of holiday weight gain.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas warns of holiday weight gain.

The holidays are coming quickly and so are the plans for all the parties and meals.  So much of our social time centers around food and much of it is comfort food that is most often laden with fat and empty calories.

How we begin to think about and plan for the upcoming holidays is very important.  Is our focus more on the food than the actual close connections we make with people?  Do we spend more time planning what we are going to wear than how our eating habits come across?

It is a good idea to think ahead before giving or going to one of these gatherings.  After all good impressions are important and can deepen relationships.  Here are a few tips you have probably heard about or read before, but now is the time for a review:

Don’t go hungry.  Eat something before you go. A  protein shake will keep you satisfied for a longer period of time and you won’t be tempted to eat things you normally will avoid.  And by all means, do NOT skip meals so you can eat a lot at this event. Smart snacking during the day will keep your spirits up and your vulnerability at bay.

Drink water.  Water helps to keep the body hydrated well when thirst can be mistaken for hunger.  Often at parties, one feels the need to have a drink in hand.  Holding a glass of water with a lemon or lime slice in it can occupy your hands just as well as a high carbohydrate drink.

Concentrate on others.  Getting involved in what is going on with someone else will keep your mind off your nervousness or perceived hunger.  They will appreciate the attention, too.

These small “corrections” to your planning will take you into and through the holidays with a few tools that will keep you on track for better health come January 2.

Dallas Health Helpers is a Shaklee Distributor in Dallas that focuses on wellness through natural methods and products that support health without the use of drugs and their side effects.  Contact us at Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com for more information and to learn about our weight loss support groups.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas explains about Joint Health and Joint Pain.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas explains about Joint Health and Joint Pain.

Many of us are faced with fading ability to use our joints as fully as we once did. We are often prey to slick marketeers whose slick advertising and enticing “testimonials” influence us to buy products that have no proven benefits or results.

Common are joint supplements that contain chondroitin along with glucosamine sulfate. These are promoted as the end to all your joint pain.

Recent studies have shown that this is not a good combination.

Chondroitin has been shown to be ill-absorbed when taken orally. It just doesn’t get past the digestive system to the troublesome joint.

Studies also show that chondroitin negatively affects the absorbtion of glucosamine. Glucosamine is an effective treatment for joint problems and joint pain, so why add something to it that inhibits it effectiveness?

One ingredient besides glucosamine that also yields positive results for joint sufferers is boswellia extract.

If you want to know more about how these two ingredients work to make life much easier for joint pain sufferers, email me for the information.

If you don’t care how they work, but want to get the best following benefits, click here!!

1) more freedom of movement
2) strength and structure to the joint
3) more comfort and speedy return to pain-free activity.

Watch the video

Order Joint Health now

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214 252 9596 or email us at Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com to learn more about vitality and health.

Shaklee Distributor talks about joint pain.

Shaklee Distributor talks about joint pain and how to have better joint health.
Many of us are faced with fading ability to use our joints as fully as we once did.  Sometimes the stress placed on our bones and joints from daily activities and strenuous exercise cause inflammation, pain and limited mobility in our joints.
Monitoring our exercise (and lack thereof) is important to maintaining healthy, functional joints and avoiding joint pain. 

As evidenced to the left, the stressed joint shows
1) Weak and fragile cartilage.
2) Broken down connective tissue
3) Friction occurs between bones, which signals the release of cartilage-attacking chemicals, resulting in discomfort and limited mobility.



The healthy joint displays:
1) Improved cushioning which allows for more freedom of movement
2) Healthy connective tissue that gives strength and structure to the joint
3) Harmful chemicals are inhibited by Boswellia extract allowing for more comfort and speedy return to pain-free activity.

Many nutrients can help with joint pain.  Shaklee Corporation as produced an Advanced Joint Health Complex that works in a little as five days to restore joint health and decrease joint pain. 

Watch the video

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For more information, contact Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor at

Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com.

Be well, Stay well.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas shares great results of weight loss.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas shares great results of weight loss.

When reducing weight, results that can be measured make a big difference.
Our Cinch Wellness Group is seeing results that are attainable and measurable. We meet each Saturday as a group to support each other and share ideas and options.

One participant has reduced her weight by 16 pounds in 9 weeks after her first measure. That is a safe way to loose weight the right way and keep it off. Not too much too fast.

There has also been a change in her eating patterns. She now shares meals with her husband, which helps her program and encourages him to cut back on food portions.

One of the biggest “aha” moments came when she stated that she no longer has the inconvenience, discomfort and cost of her Nexium prescription. The side effects of that drug are gone now, too.  The thing is, now she is feeling better and her clothes feel more comfortable than before. We are all sharing the joy of the results of each member of our group!
Think about what the loss of a few pounds can mean for you.  What health benefits would you experience?  If you’d like some help, give me a call.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us (Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com) to earn more about vitality and health.

Shaklee distributor in Dallas looks at supersize me.

Shaklee distributor in Dallas looks at supersize me.

There is a business man in Indiana who is capitalizing on the American phenomenon of people who eat more than they should.  Now instead of them asking the counter clerk at the local fast food chain restaurant to “supersize that meal”, their relatives are asking the funeral director to supersize their loved one’s casket.  The death of obese persons is often masked as a common disease, but most likely that death was caused by symptoms of being morbidly overweight.

This business man in LYNN, Indiana, a casket maker specializing in oversize caskets, says business is booming along with America’s obesity epidemic.  Because we, as a nation, are growing bigger and bigger, we are requiring larger and larger caskets for burial.   Also, this morbidly obese condition is causing earlier death and is increasing the general mortality rate.

We don’t have to continue this trend.  As individuals, we must take control of our lives, including our eating habits and the emotions that trigger the bad habits.  Avoid the “super size me” conversation at the funeral home by sharing with your loved ones that you want them to be around for a long, healthy time.

One program that I endorse and actually run out of my Dallas office is the Cinch Wellness Program.   Click here to check it out.  Email me at Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com  if you need help starting your own wellness group.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.