Shaklee Distributor in Dallas encourages planning your holiday activities.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas encourages planning your holiday activities.


It has been said that if you don’t know where you are going you won’t know it when you get there.

Do you know where your weight is going to be after the holidays? Do you have a plan to get there? If you just plan to wing it though the holidays you just might wind up some place you don’t want to be.

Like a boat adrift on the ocean with no rudder, without plans you are at the whim of your environment.  Having a plan with a goal in mind, you will be able to navigate your way through the holiday parties and dinners with skill and determination. You will be much more likely to make it to January 2, 2012 at a more desirable weight and a head start to hitting your health goals for the upcoming year.

If you or someone you know wants help to develop a plan to win their own challenge this holiday season call us at 214 252 9596 or email us at Tim AT DallasHealthHelpers DOT com.

Dallas Health Helpers is a Shaklee Distributor in Dallas who works to get people healthier without the use of drugs or synthetics.  For more information call us at 214 252 9596 or email us at Tim AT DallasHealthHelpers DOT com.


Shaklee Distributor in Dallas encourages planning your holiday activities.
It has been said that if you don’t know where you are going you won’t know it when you get there.
Do you know where your weight is going to be after the holidays? Do you have a plan to get there? If you just plan to wing it though the holidays you just might wind up some place you don’t want to be.
Like a boat adrift on the ocean with no rudder, without plans you are at the whim of your environment.  Having a plan with a goal in mind, you will be able to navigate your way through the holiday parties and dinners with skill and determination. You will be much more likely to make it to January 2, 2012 at a more desirable weight and a head start to hitting your health goals for the upcoming year.
If you or someone you know wants help to develop a plan to win their own challenge this holiday season click here for more information.
Dallas Health Helpers is a Shaklee Distributor in Dallas who works to get people healthier without the use of drugs or synthetics.  For more information call us at 214 252 9596 or email us at Tim AT DallasHealthHelpers DOT com.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas warns of holiday weight gain.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas warns of holiday weight gain.

The holidays are coming quickly and so are the plans for all the parties and meals.  So much of our social time centers around food and much of it is comfort food that is most often laden with fat and empty calories.

How we begin to think about and plan for the upcoming holidays is very important.  Is our focus more on the food than the actual close connections we make with people?  Do we spend more time planning what we are going to wear than how our eating habits come across?

It is a good idea to think ahead before giving or going to one of these gatherings.  After all good impressions are important and can deepen relationships.  Here are a few tips you have probably heard about or read before, but now is the time for a review:

Don’t go hungry.  Eat something before you go. A  protein shake will keep you satisfied for a longer period of time and you won’t be tempted to eat things you normally will avoid.  And by all means, do NOT skip meals so you can eat a lot at this event. Smart snacking during the day will keep your spirits up and your vulnerability at bay.

Drink water.  Water helps to keep the body hydrated well when thirst can be mistaken for hunger.  Often at parties, one feels the need to have a drink in hand.  Holding a glass of water with a lemon or lime slice in it can occupy your hands just as well as a high carbohydrate drink.

Concentrate on others.  Getting involved in what is going on with someone else will keep your mind off your nervousness or perceived hunger.  They will appreciate the attention, too.

These small “corrections” to your planning will take you into and through the holidays with a few tools that will keep you on track for better health come January 2.

Dallas Health Helpers is a Shaklee Distributor in Dallas that focuses on wellness through natural methods and products that support health without the use of drugs and their side effects.  Contact us at Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com for more information and to learn about our weight loss support groups.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas gives lessons in speed eating.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas gives lessons in speed eating.
Many of us are living a fast-paced lifestyle. We do most every thing in a hurry, just to get to the next item on our agenda and then race through that as well.
One harmful affect of living in the fast lane is that our pace generally doesn’t slow down for our meals. We grab something quick, gobble it down and move on. This is not beneficial for our digestive system and eventually for our waist line.
When we don’t get out of that “fight or flight” mode for lunch or even dinner, our bodies do not handle food the way they should. Because we are stressed, our “food handling processes” are put on the back burner and are not digesting our food properly. It sits in our stomach longer than it should and we begin to experience heartburn and other symptoms of mal-absorption.

Another problem is that when eating fast, we eat more. Our bodies do not signal our brains that we have had enough until it is too late.
Some things to change are:
1. Do NOT eat in the car.

2. Set a timer and take 20 minutes to eat.

3. Put your fork down between each bite.

4. Sip water between each bite.

5. Eat at a table or designated place.

6. Get up from the table halfway into your meal and then return to it in a few minutes.

Email me for more tips on developing healthy eating habits.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.