Shaklee distributor in Dallas talks about getting started early on New Year’s Resolutions.

Shaklee distributor in Dallas talks about getting started early on New Year’s Resolutions.

Oftentimes people will wait until January 1st to even think about what they want to accomplish with their New Year’s Resolutions. It is a good idea to begin that process now. While November and December have our minds occupied with thoughts of gifts and parties and visitors, we don’t consider some important things like the impact on our health.

One of the most often made and broken New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight and reduce body fat. And it may be that what seems like a good idea doesn’t actually have a good plan of action behind it. Losing weight is not something that just happens. One must put some good thought behind it and and set up a plan of things that will make it happen.

We have a great plan of action to lose weight that helps people stay on track and move easily forward toward their goal. In this plan, we teach how to develop good health habits that create health for a lifetime.

Consider looking into the Cinch Inch Loss Program. Besides the nutritional support, we offer group support meetings on Saturdays and Wednesday evenings with great success. Call me at 214  770  9596 or email me  at TIM at DALLASHEALTHHELPERS dot COM to learn more. If you would like a CD on the science of weight loss, let me know. Be well, stay well. Happy Thanksgiving.