Pet Allergies

Little white dog that suffers from pet allergies
Pet allergies can effect a dog’s health and well being

When you walk into Corine’s house, you are met by a low-flying projectile.  Corine calls him Sammi.  After a few minutes, this little white dog will settle down.  He goes to the sofa where he begins to incessantly lick and chew his paws.  It is very nerve-wracking to Corine and anyone around.  Knowing he is in pain from the itching makes her sad.  She said the vet offers an allergy testing panel at the rate of about $1000.00.  She cannot afford that.  Pet allergies are such a pain.

I asked Corine if she is open to a natural solution that could possibly help little Sammi’s pet allergies. She enthusiastically agreed to take a look.  I made a recommendation on two products that had the best chances of getting Sammi some relief.

Corine ordered the product.  After three days of  use, this is what she sent me.


What a great experience!  I am  so pleased to help out Corine and Sammi at a fraction of the cost of the allergy panel.  This will be a much less monthly expense than injections or medications for his itching.

Share this blog with someone you know who has a dog that is licking and chewing its paws.  We can help alleviate pain and enormous expense, bringing peace to the household.