Shaklee distributor in Dallas looks at supersize me.
There is a business man in Indiana who is capitalizing on the American phenomenon of people who eat more than they should. Now instead of them asking the counter clerk at the local fast food chain restaurant to “supersize that meal”, their relatives are asking the funeral director to supersize their loved one’s casket. The death of obese persons is often masked as a common disease, but most likely that death was caused by symptoms of being morbidly overweight.
This business man in LYNN, Indiana, a casket maker specializing in oversize caskets, says business is booming along with America’s obesity epidemic. Because we, as a nation, are growing bigger and bigger, we are requiring larger and larger caskets for burial. Also, this morbidly obese condition is causing earlier death and is increasing the general mortality rate.
We don’t have to continue this trend. As individuals, we must take control of our lives, including our eating habits and the emotions that trigger the bad habits. Avoid the “super size me” conversation at the funeral home by sharing with your loved ones that you want them to be around for a long, healthy time.
One program that I endorse and actually run out of my Dallas office is the Cinch Wellness Program. Click here to check it out. Email me at Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com if you need help starting your own wellness group.
Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.