Dallas Nutritionist recommends others along with calcium.

Dallas Nutritionist recommends others along with calcium.  Most people know that calcium is important. But is the total picture clear to everyone? There are things that help calcium be better absorbed and more effective.

Osteoporosis is a major health issue.  Americans consume more dairy products and calcium than any other population in the world, but we still have one of the highest rates of this debilitating disease. Half of women and a quarter of men over age 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in his or her lifetime.

And while osteoporosis can strike at any age, it is often thought of as a disease that affects the elderly.    Think of calcium as the bricks in the bone-building process because it doesn’t work alone to build and maintain strong bones.  Bricklayers know that a house is only as strong as the mortar that holds it together.  And the nutritional “cement” for building and maintaining strong bones includes vitamins D and K, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper and manganese.

Nearly half a million older adults were followed by National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers who found that increasing calcium consumption in women was associated with a lower risk of developing cancer. The beneficial effect seemed to peak at about 1,300 mg of calcium daily.  Perhaps because women were more likely to take a multivitamin/mineral supplement that contained calcium, and much more likely to take a calcium supplement regularly, a similar effect on total cancer wasn’t seen  in men .

But men and women were found to be in agreement on at least one thing. A lower risk of developing cancers of the digestive system, including colon cancer was associated with a diet rich in calcium from foods and supplements.  In fact, men and women with the highest calcium intakes had a 16 and 23% lower risk respectively for digestive system cancers compared to those with the lowest calcium intakes.

 Who can benefit from supplementing with calcium and the other nutrients for bone health?

  • Individuals concerned about building strong bones and maintaining long-term bone health
  • Persons whose diet may be low in key bone-building nutrients, particularly women age 30 and older, teenagers, and the elderly.
  • Smokers, those who have high intakes of alcohol, or frequently drink soft drinks —lifestyle habits that can limit or interfere with the utilization of calcium
  • Women who experience PMS symptoms
  • Those concerned with issues of retaining normal blood pressure
  • Anyone who finds calcium supplements too chalky, too big, or hard to swallow

What does a calcium supplement need to contain to be truly effective?

  1. 1,000 mg (100% DV) of elemental calcium from nature’s most concentrated and easily absorbed sources
  2. 400 mg (100% DV) of magnesium to help incorporate calcium into bone and help strengthen bones
  3. 400 IU (100% DV) of vitamin D to stimulate calcium absorption
  4. Boron in a clinically supported amount to aid bone metabolism
  5. Vitamin K to help bind minerals to form bone matrix
  6. Manganese, copper, and zinc – co-factors that activate enzymes that help build bone mass

 You can purchase these supplements individually, but I recommend Osteomatrix,a single supplement that fills the bill easily.  It is recommended that calcium supplementation’s daily dosage be spread over at least intakes to allow for better absorption.
Dallas Health Helpers has been in the nutrition business for 26 years.  Our offices are in Dallas, but our reach is nation wide.