Turmeric potency varies among products

 What do apple slices have to do with turmeric?

You are a kid who loves apple slices. Each day you go to the local fruit stand and give him your dollar.  He gives you an apple slice and you are so happy. You are “Keeping the doctor away.(?)”

You go to visit your cousin who also loves apple slices. When you accompany him to his local vendor he gives the man a dollar and a half and the man gives him 19 apple slices.

How do you feel about your vendor and the apple slice you get? You are getting only 5% while your cousin is getting 95%.

From Apples to Turmeric


You see, this is like turmeric.  If one is taking turmeric from the grocery store spice aisle, he or she is only getting about 5% curcumins, the active ingredient in turmeric root.  If he or she is taking Shaklee’s Turmeric Boost, they are getting 95% curcumins.  Shaklee is using a Standardized Extract of turmeric.  Standardized!  Understand how much more value and benefit is there in a standardized extract.  Standardized Turmeric extract is heads above Turmeric root.

Turmeric has been used for ages as a seasoning for food.  Many began to see the health benefits of this spicy root as well.  As with any food item, the nutritional value varies from product to product.  This orange may have many  times the vitamin C as that orange.  Growth and processing methods also affects the nutritional value of foods.

I only began using turmeric when Shaklee introduced Turmeric Boost.  After a short time, I noticed a big difference in a cranky hip.  It is so much better now that I am being consistent with my “curcumin” intake.

Links for more information

For more information, watch this interview on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/6HxmWtIOvRI

You can buy this standardized product at Dallas Health Helpers

Joint disease, joint movement improved with exercise for muscle strength and the healthiest foods to help anti-inflammatory

Achy and swollen knees.  Stiff fingers.  Reduced, difficult flexibility.  These could all be signs and symptoms of arthritis, a joint disease. In fact, arthritis affects one out of every five adults living in the U.S.  One in three adults report that arthritis limits their ability to work. If current trends continue, an estimated 67 million people will have arthritis within the next 20 years.

Of the more than 100 types of arthritis, the two most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, usually comes with age. Cartilage (the cushioning material between joints) breaks down, leading to joint pain and stiffness. Most affected joints are those in our fingers, knees, spine, and hips. It also can occur after an injury to a joint as in a young soccer player who injures a knee could develop arthritis down the road, some 10 to 15 years later.

 Rheumatoid arthritis is believed to be a systemic inflammatory disease and can develop at any age. It can

►       show up in many different joints of the body

►       leads to the deterioration of cartilage and bone

►       can cause joint deformity, pain, swelling, and redness.

Although the exact cause is unknown, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests a faulty immune response may be involved.

There’s plenty you can do now to prevent arthritis, protect your joints, or improve your symptoms if you already have arthritis. Talk to your doctor to determine the best course of action.

If you’re overweight, weight loss should be your next step!  Losing as few as 11 pounds can reduce the risk of getting osteoarthritis by 50%.

Being more active sounds counterintuitive, but moving more can actually keep your joint movement better, help with weight control, and maintain muscle strength. Also, do exercise for muscle strength.

What you eat or don’t eat can make a difference, too. Some of the healthiest foods that help to lower inflammation include:

►       Fish and walnuts.

►       Olive oil.

►       Red wine and dark chocolate.

►       Turmeric.

►       Tart cherries.

Joint movement

Lastly, try natural alternatives. Studies show that long-term use of glucosamine helps maintain healthy cartilage and may even reduce the need for knee-replacement surgery in people with osteoarthritis. Results from a clinical study suggest the anti-inflammatory activity of Boswellia serrata extract reduces joint pain and stiffness, while fish oil supplements also have been shown to help fight inflammation.


Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about joint pain relief.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about joint pain relief.

Many people experience joint pain.  This pain may come from arthritis, a simple structural abnormality, over use or repetitive use.  There are many reasons for joint pain. One source that is prevalent is being over weight or obese.

Obviously, the first step is to get to a recommended body weight.  That will take much pressure off the hip, knee and ankle joints. Take advantage of this pain-reliever that will offer many other benefits.

With joint pain, it is also important to keep moving.  Often, those with joint pain will tend to remain as immobile as possible to avoid aggravating their condition or for fear of causing more pain.  In general, keeping a joint functioning will help to keep it mobility and range of motion.  The old adage that if you don’t move it you lose it has some merit.

Find an exercise that you like and can easily do regularly.  With joint pain, one should avoid high impact activities.  Generally, easy movements done regularly will help to get good circulation to the tissue surrounding the joints, bringing nutrition and oxygen to them and helping to remove toxins and metabolic waste products.

One with joint pain should also avoid inflammatory foods.  Things such as desserts, red meats and processed foods can add to inflammation, causing more pain.

Avoiding stress can also help to lower inflammation.

Many people have begun to use joint pain preparations that include glucosamine and chondroitin.  However, recent studies have proved that chondroitin is actually counterproductive to building health of the joint.  It actually inhibits the absorption of glucosamine.  When looking for a joint product, make certain is does not contain chondroitin.

Shaklee Corporation produces a product called Advanced Joint Health Complex.  This product works in a matter of days and it works to heal the tissues around the joint, not just alleviate pain.  They also offer a money back guarantee.  Try it here.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214.252.9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about how the people of Missouri love Shaklee!

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, talks about how the people of Missouri love Shaklee!


I kid about that but after all, Missouri is the “Show Me State.”  Intelligent, discerning people need proof of things, especially things that concern their health. Why would one NOT question what he or she is spending money on to better their health for today and in the future?


Shaklee Corporation has plenty of proof that its products work.  It has plenty of proof that its products are safe.  It also has proof that it is a green company.

  • Shaklee has over 110 studies that have been published in peer-reviewed journals.  This in and of itself is proof that Shaklee is serious about its products. Once a study is submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, it is forwarded to experts in the field (peers) who will go over the study with a “fine-toothed comb” to expose any flaws in procedure, errors in results and out and out lies.  If the study passes those tests, the journal then publishes the study. This is not an easy gauntlet to get through, but Shaklee has done it over 110 times. Also, over 125 bronze, silver and gold medals from the Olympics attest to the fact that Shaklee products work.
  • Shaklee products are safe. They do over 100,000 tests each year on our products to ensure safety. This includes tests on raw materials to the manufacturing process to the finished product.  These include purity tests as well as ingredient percentage levels. The Olympic successes mentioned above also attest for the purity and safety of the products.
  • Being the first ever Climate Neutral Certified company, Shaklee has always been and always will be a green company.  They are very dedicated to preserving the Earth and our natural resources.

So if someone asks me about the proof of the benefits and safety of Shaklee products, I am ready for those people from the Show Me State.  And anyone else for that matter!

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas explains about Joint Health and Joint Pain.

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas explains about Joint Health and Joint Pain.

Many of us are faced with fading ability to use our joints as fully as we once did. We are often prey to slick marketeers whose slick advertising and enticing “testimonials” influence us to buy products that have no proven benefits or results.

Common are joint supplements that contain chondroitin along with glucosamine sulfate. These are promoted as the end to all your joint pain.

Recent studies have shown that this is not a good combination.

Chondroitin has been shown to be ill-absorbed when taken orally. It just doesn’t get past the digestive system to the troublesome joint.

Studies also show that chondroitin negatively affects the absorbtion of glucosamine. Glucosamine is an effective treatment for joint problems and joint pain, so why add something to it that inhibits it effectiveness?

One ingredient besides glucosamine that also yields positive results for joint sufferers is boswellia extract.

If you want to know more about how these two ingredients work to make life much easier for joint pain sufferers, email me for the information.

If you don’t care how they work, but want to get the best following benefits, click here!!

1) more freedom of movement
2) strength and structure to the joint
3) more comfort and speedy return to pain-free activity.

Watch the video

Order Joint Health now

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214 252 9596 or email us at Tim at DallasHealthHelpers dot com to learn more about vitality and health.