The need for a detox
We often eat the wrong things. And we often do that for way too long. This can lead to build up of toxins and other unwanted, dangerous substances in the digestion tract. These substances can even find their way into individual cells. This “infiltration” of undesirable elements can create the need for a good, thorough detox.
At this point, many people decide to do something drastic about undesirable symptoms:
- bloated stomach,
- sluggish digestion,
- low energy and
- poor sleep quality
Often that “something” is a harsh detox program that is difficult to adhere to and feel good about. Some detox programs can be damaging to normal body functions, such as metabolism.
Detox Solution

A safe way to reset the body is with the 5 x 5 Reset program. This is a 5 day cleanse that is easy to follow and it lasts for only 5 days. Participants report more energy, lost cravings, weight loss and/or inch loss and better digestion and higher rest quality. With added support from a closed Facebook group, the system keeps those “reseter participants” engaged and motivated to do their best, follow the guidelines and share their experience.
After the 5 days, there is an opportunity to maintain momentum and go forward with a transition program. Interested parties should contact this blogger for details because it will make a long term difference in health and vitality.