What is self respect?


Respect is something that is developed and nurtured.  Respect for one’s self and for others is a valued asset that should not be under appreciated.

Respecting others is often easier to do than taking care of ourselves.  When we respect others, we show them that they are important to us. Wikipedia describes respect as “a positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. Etc.)  However that shows up, it means a lot to the other person.  This respect shows up in a variety of ways and most of them go without words.  Being kind is a show of respect.  Working within someone’s boundaries is a show of respect.  Being punctual and on time for appointments is a way to show that you respect that person and appreciate their time.

Learn to love what you see in the mirror.

Self respect can be a more difficult matter.  What is self respect? It appears in the way we take care of our selves, how we present to others.  In the way of showing care for others and their wants and needs, we are also showing love and respect for ourselves.

Things that we do for ourselves may appear to us or others as being self-indulgent.  However demonstrating to others that we value ourselves and our own happiness is a great way to show that as we value ourselves, we can also value others.

The following is a list of things that we can and should do for ourselves to show respect for body, mind and soul:

☼     Meditate or pray daily.  Getting into our spiritual selves is important to peace and happiness.  As we meditate more (and more often) we get to a place of stillness and self love and appreciation.


☼     Cultivate good, upstanding  friends.  Association with loving souls helps us to build our own self esteem.   We adapt to our environment, so create a healthy, respectful circle of friends.


☼     Exercise regularly.  Taking time for ourselves to move and relieve stress is a great way to respect ourselves and maintain good health.

☼     Play often.  Let your self go and just do something fun.



☼     Eat healthy foods.  This may not seem to be a way to respect one’s self, but fueling the body with live foods and avoiding processed foods tells your body down to the cellular level that it is loved and respected for what it does continually.   If you cannot or do not eat well, consider supplementing with vitamins and proteins.

Find other ways to develop a sense of respect for yourself and for those around you.  I think you will begin to see your life change for the better.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee distributor in Dallas, wonders what can we do for earth day.

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee distributor in Dallas, wonders what can we do for earth day.


Each year at this time, Earth Day rolls around and many of us have great aspirations to do things to help conserve our natural resources like water and trees and grass and icebergs and rainforests and oceans.   But often we feel that what we are doing is not enough.  After all, what does 3 minutes of running water while we brush our teeth do to harm the planet.  It’s just clear water, right?

It is “just clear water”, but what did it take to make it clear and safe for human consumption?  Think about how many toxins have found their way into our water and the cost of removing them (or most of them!).  If we are running water unnecessarily it will go back eventually into the water supply, be exposed again to the toxins and have to be “purified” again for safe use.  It turns into a vicious cycle that costs your local municipality more and more each go around.

  • Step 1 is to cut your water use as much and as often as possible. You know the drill: shorter showers, fewer and larger loads of laundry, conservative lawn irrigation.
  • Step 2 is to cut your pollution into the water supply.  This may be in the form of over fertilizing your lawn where the excess goes through the gutter system back into the water system.  It may be in the form of the products you use to clean your home.  It has been said more than once that the pollution coming from households is far greater than the obvious pollutions coming from industry.
  • Step 3 is to plan ahead.  Making certain that all your family knows actions that will cut your water usage and what pollutes the water.  Water for your teeth, body, clothes and lawn should be used judiciously by all members of your household.


Regarding Step 2, consider using earth-friendly, green products in your home.  I highly recommend Shaklee’s Get Clean products.  They are excellent green products and the cost is less than conventional cleaners, even with the shipping. They are so concentrated you will be using your first bottle or box for a very long time.  You can buy a smart Starter Kit or individual items.


Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214  252  9596 or email us  at Tim at Dallas Health Helpers dot com  to learn more about vitality and health.

Are you sleeping well?

Shaklee Distributor in Dallas, Dallas Health Helpers, asks, ” Are you sleeping?” Sleep is very important for all of us.  While we are getting rest, our bodies are repairing and rebuilding themselves to be able to function the next day. Here are some reasons why you will want to get the requisite 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night:

  • Your productivity and creativity is increased.  Sleeping 1 ½ hours less for one night can reduce daytime alertness by as much as 32%.
  • Your immune system is enhanced.  Extra protein molecules mend the body at the cellular level.
  • Your heart health is improved.  Adequate sleep decreases stress and inflammation that affect the heart.
  • Good sleep improves your memory.  During sleep the brain organizes and correlates memories.
  • Sleep helps to control body weight.  A hormone known as Leptin is increased. Leptin enhances that feeling of fullness after eating.  It also decreases the urge for high carbohydrates and high-fat foods.

These seem like excellent reasons to me to plan ahead and get those 7 or 8 hours of sleep.  If you are having trouble sleeping, take a look at your routine.  Are you watching TV before bed?  Are you exercising regularly?  Are you eating too late in the evening?  Plan your day so that you are ready to get to bed when it is time.  Ease into the end of the evening-perhaps with a good book or a cup of warm chamomile tea. If after making plans and following through with them you are still unable to sleep, try an herbal formula that works gently and safely.   This one, Gentle Sleep Complex, as well as all Shaklee products, is recommended by Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas.  

Dallas Health Helpers, Shaklee Distributor in Dallas is about being healthy without drugs or synthetics. Call 214   770   9596 or email us to learn more about vitality and health.

Excuses Opportunities

The fewer excuses you let in, the more room there is for opportunities.


Dallas Health Helpers has been involved in natural approaches to health for 26 years.  We are located in Uptown Dallas, but our influence is nation wide.