Shaklee Distributor in Dallas offers ways to feel better about Thanksgiving eating.
Avoid the guilt and need for doubling your exercise program after Thanksgiving. There are ways to enjoy the much-awaited meal and still maintain your self esteem afterward!!
Here are some tips to employ:
1. Eat breakfast. Your body will better process those calories if your metabolism is already trucking along from a healthy start to the day.
2. Serve yourself. Aunt Jean’s portion sizes might be different from yours. When you serve yourself, you can control what’s on your plate.
3. Know your weaknesses. Whatever it is, recognize your tendency to go overboard and limit yourself to one small serving.
4. Choose whole grain breads and skip the butter. You can get your bread fix with less calories.
5. Limit yourself to one casserole. Instead of sampling four, choose one.
6. Focus on turkey and green vegetables. The turkey’s likely the healthiest thing on the table.
Try to fill up half of your plate with turkey and something green, like sautéed green beans, broccoli, or salad.
7. Eat slowly. This is a no-brainer, right? The faster you eat, the more likely you are to overstuff yourself before you realize you’re full. Look at the clock and set a time you have to reach (try 20 or 30 minutes). Hint: Catching up with that long-lost cousin will give you something else to do besides chew.
8. Choose one dessert and keep it small. Pick one, have a small slice (no whipped cream!), and lick your plate when no one’s looking.
9. Watch the wine. Drinking alcohol weakens your will power. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Make a wine spritzer with club soda to keep from drinking too much.
10. Don’t repeat everything the next day. Save enough turkey for one great, satisfying sandwich, and send the rest of the food home with your guests.
Keep these tips in mind on Thanksgiving and you will feel good on Black Friday!
For digestion help, these items should be in your medicine cabinet at all times. My favorites are EZ Gest and Stomach Soothing Complex.
Dallas Health Helpers is a Shaklee Distributor in Dallas. We are dedicated to the health and well-being of all and we advocate the use of safe alternatives. One should avoid use of drugs and drastic programs that can cause problems now and in the future. For more information go to our web site at or call 214.770.9596. Be well, Stay well.