Earth Day is approaching. It means more than going out and buying a roll of “earth friendly” toilet paper. It is using the recycle bin every day. It involves using products that are grown, harvested and produced in a way that is not causing stress on the earth. Earth friendly products are brought to us with methods that actually enhance the health of our planet.
The Shaklee Corporation was the very first company to be certified as Climate Neutral by reducing our carbon emissions to zero.
What to do for Earth Day?
Reduce your personal chemical load.
For your body, ask about our 5 x 5 Reset program to detox harmful chemicals out. It only takes 5 days to reset your body and start your Earth Day participation from the inside out.
For the environment, order the Get Clean Starter Kit. This kit is highly concentrated and very effective at cleaning your home from the kitchen to the laundry to the bathroom-and all other rooms and areas in between. The actual retail value of conventional products from the local big box store that will do this much cleaning is $3400.00. Click the pictures below and you will see the cost of this kit which is so appropriate for Earth Day.